DYMAT 2009
Volume 1, 2009
DYMAT 2009 - 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Page(s) 235 - 241
Section Experimental Techniques
Published online 15 September 2009
DYMAT 2009 (2009) 235-241
DOI: 10.1051/dymat/2009032

Impact tensile test: A new type of crash test for welded joints used in automotive applications

E. Bayraktar1, 2, J. Chevalier2, F. Bonnet3, D. Kaplan3 and J. Claeys3

1  Supmeca - Paris, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, France
2  Chair of Industrial Materials, CNAM, Arts et Métiers, 75141 Paris 03, France
3  ARCELOR Research, Paris, France

Published online: 15 September 2009

This paper reports the early history of instrumented impact testing, starting from Augustin Georges Albert CHARPY (1865–1945) up to now, and concentrates on the recent results of experiments obtained on the different welded steel grades by means of the new developed machine as a comparative study in two aspects;
1- State of the art concerning joining techniques for automotive industry
2- State of the art concerning dynamic testing of high strength welds for automotive industry
New applications of LASER and resistance spot welding (RSW) processes in automotive industry require a valuable evaluation of welded thin sheets subjected to dynamic loading in order to determine the optimal conditions. This paper presents recent developments of a new dynamic (crash) test, Impact Tensile Testing (ITT) adapted to the thin sheets welded by LASER, GTAW (Gas Tungsten Arc Welding) and RSW processes. This paper entails the characterisation and understanding of the behaviour of thin welds of different grades of steels in dynamic loading conditions such as those experienced in automotive crash tests. Evaluation of resistance to dynamic failure will be studied through the impact tensile test (ITT). This research will contribute to the selection of optimal welding conditions and to the development of new grade steels for automotive applications.

© EDP Sciences 2009