DYMAT 2009
Volume 2, 2009
DYMAT 2009 - 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Page(s) 1007 - 1013
Section Micro-Structural Effects
Published online 15 September 2009
DYMAT 2009 (2009) 1007-1013
DOI: 10.1051/dymat/2009141

Microstructure and texture evolution in high manganese TWIP steels

S. Curtze, V.-T. Kuokkala, M. Hokka and T. Saarinen

Institute of Materials Science, Tampere University of Technology, PO Box 589, 33101 Tampere, Finland

Published online: 15 September 2009

The mechanical behavior of high manganese TWIP (Twinning Induced Plasticity) steels is characterized by a combination of good formability and high strength. The exceptional work hardening capability of TWIP steels is generally attributed to the gradually proceeding twinning of crystal planes during deformation, forming strong obstacles to dislocation motion. The onset of twinning depends on the orientation of the individual grains with respect to the loading direction and is therefore texture sensitive. In order to get better insight into the active deformation mechanisms resulting in the typical mechanical behavior of fully austenitic TWIP steels, a hot rolled Fe-28wt.%Mn-1.6wt.%Al-0.3wt.%Si-0.08wt.%C TWIP steel was studied by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) after the specimens had been uniaxially deformed to different degrees of plastic deformation. Lowering the deformation temperature to −50°C resulted in increased strength values and decreased elongation values due to premature twinning and at the same time incomplete texture evolution. An increase in strain rate gave rise to extensive twinning and resulted in increased strength values. In addition to the rather coarse grained grade, a fine grained grade was produced via a recrystallization procedure with the objective to study the effect of grain size on the extent of twinning.

© EDP Sciences 2009