DYMAT 2009
Volume 1, 2009
DYMAT 2009 - 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Page(s) 249 - 255
Section Experimental Techniques
Published online 15 September 2009
DYMAT 2009 (2009) 249-255
DOI: 10.1051/dymat/2009034

A new technique for compression tests at intermediate strain rates: Prototype results

T.J. Cloete and S. Oxtoby

Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU), Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

Published online: 15 September 2009

A prototype of a new concept for intermediate strain rate compression testing is presented. The concept uses elastic impact principles applied to a wedge mechanism to accelerate the actuation mechanism from rest to a test speed of 50 mm/s in approximately 133 μs, and maintain a near uniform strain rate of 10 s−1 to a strain of 0.2. The load frame is miniaturized and does not contain any hydraulic or pneumatic components and hence has a relatively high natural frequency of above 30 kHz, which improves the confidence with which signal processing techniques can be applied. Quasi-static and dynamic test results for commercially pure Aluminium are reported and the feasibility of future developments is discussed.

© EDP Sciences 2009