Issue |
EPJ Web Conf.
Volume 250, 2021
DYMAT 2021 - 13th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Article Number | 06012 | |
Number of page(s) | 11 | |
Section | Non Metallic Materials | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 09 September 2021 |
Dynamice fracture in a semicristalline polymer: an analysis of the fracture surface
Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, Univ. of Bordeaux, CNRS, Bordeaux INP, INRAE, HESAM Université, I2M Bordeaux, F-33400 Talence, France
* e-mail:
Published online: 9 September 2021
The fracture behaviour of a specific material, a semi-crystalline biobased polymer, was here studied. Dynamic fracture tests on strip band specimens were carried out. Fracture surfaces were observed at different scales by optical and electron microscopy to describe cracking scenarios. Crack initiation, propagation and arrest zones were described. Three distinct zones are highlighted in the initiation and propagation zone: a zone with conical markings, a mist zone and a hackle zone. The conical mark zone shows a variation in the size and density of the conical marks along the propagation path. This is synonymous with local speed variation. Microcracks at the origin of the conical marks in the initiation zone seem to develop from the nucleus of the spherulites. In the propagation zone with complex roughness, the direction of the microcracks and their cracking planes are highly variable. Their propagation directions are disturbed by the heterogeneities of the material. They branch or bifurcate at the level of the spherulites. In the arrest zone, the microcracks developed upstream continue to propagate in different directions. The surface created is increasingly smoother as the energy release rate decreases. It is shown that the local velocity of the crack varies in contrast to the macroscopic speed.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021
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