DYMAT 2015

DYMAT 2015 - 11th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
Lugano, Switzerland, September 7th-11th, 2015

DYMAT is the European association for scientists and engineers working in the fields of materials at high strain rates, their modeling and associated numerical simulation as well as the application of this work. The triennially organized International Conferences are the platform to present the most recent scientific achievements on the thermo-mechanical behavior of materials under crash, impact and blast loading.

The 11th International DYMAT Conference took place between September 7th and 11th 2015 and was organized by the DynaMat Laboratory, SUPSI, in Lugano, Switzerland. Specific emphasis was set to five key topics: Experimental Techniques, Microstructural Effects, Biomechanics, Modeling and Numerical Simulation as well as Industrial Application. With authors coming from 32 different countries the DYMAT conferenced proofed once more its international character.

The 11th lnternational DYMAT Conference offered two types of publication. The contributions in this current issue of EPJ Web of Conferences were submitted as proceedings papers. Alternatively, authors could submit manuscripts to a peer review process and publish in an issue of the journal EPJ ST. Readers interested in the peer reviewed papers can (or might) look for the EPJ ST issue entitled "Dynamic Behaviour of Materials at High Strain rates: Experiments, Modeling and Simulation".


International Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Yilong L. BAIChinese Academy of Sciences, China
Prof. Dr. Manon BOLDUC DRDC-Valcartier, Canada
Prof. Dr. Anatoly M. BRAGOV Research Institute of Mechanics, State University, Russia
Dr. Trevor CLOETE University of Cape Town, South Africa
Prof. Dr. Jayantha Ananda EPAARACHCHI University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Prof. Dr. George T. (Rusty) GRAY III Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA
Prof. Dr. Hidetoshi KOBAYASHI Osaka University, Japan
Prof. Dr. Bengt LUNDBERG Uppsala University, Sweden
Dr. Vaclav MENTL Skoda Research Ltd., Pilsen, Czech Republic
Prof. Dr. Marc A. MEYERS University of California San Diego, USA
Prof. Dr. Sérgio DE NEVES MONTEIROCentro de Ciência Technologia, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Prof. Dr. Daniel RITTEL Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion, Israel
Prof. Dr. Jaap WEERHEIJM TNO Defence, Security & Safety, Netherlands

Conference Committee

Prof. Dr. Nadia BAHLOULI Université de Strasbourg, France
Dr. Eric BUZAUD CEA, Gramat, France
Prof. Dr. Ezio CADONI University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland
H.D.R. Dr. Hervé COUQUE Nexter Munitions, Bourges, France
Dr. Daniel EAKINS Institute of Shock Physics, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Prof. Dr. Pascal FORQUIN Université Joseph Fourier, France
Prof. Dr. Stefan HIERMAIER Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI, Germany
Prof. Dr. Leopold KRUSZKA The Jaroslaw Dabrowski Military University of Technology, Warszawa, Poland
Prof. Dr. Veli-T. KUOKKALA Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Dr. Aantonio COSCULLUELA CEA, Bordeaux, France
Prof. Dr. Magnus LANGSETH Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Prof. Dr. Francisco GALVEZ Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Prof. Dr. Eric MARKIEWICZ Université de Valenciennes, France
Prof. Dr. Nuno PEIXINHO Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Philippe VIOT Arts et Métiers ParisTech, France
Dr. Stephen M. WALLEY University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Organizing Committee


University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

DynaMat Laboratory
Campus Trevano
6952 Canobbio (Switzerland)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ezio CADONIChairman of DYMAT 2015
Daniele FORNI Conference Secretary
Matteo DOTTA Conference organization
Gianmario RIGANTI Conference organization
Nicoletta TESIO Conference organization
Giorgia COSENZA Administrative secretary

DYMAT Association Office


European Association for the Promotion of Research into the Dynamic Behaviour of Materials and its Applications

CEA Centre de Valduc
21120 Is-sur-Tille (France)
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

SECRETARY: Stephen M. WALLEY (United Kingdom)


Carlo Albertini

Winner of the DYMAT 2015 John Rinehart Award

Carlo Albertini

Carlo Albertini born in Parma (Italy) where he studied Physics at the University of Parma. Since 1963 he was researcher at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. He developed a precision impact testing laboratory based on the modification of the Hopkinson bar technique for the measurement of the mechanical properties at high strain rate of as-received and irradiated nuclear reactor materials. The laboratory consisted of unique uniaxial and biaxial hydro-pneumatic and Hopkinson bar devices including the largest Hopkinson bar in the world (5MN loading capacity, 1.5 m displacement, 35 m/s speed, 200 m length). He was project leader of the JRC programme of reference impact testing on automotive materials and structures. He was the founder of Dynalab, a spin-off company of JRC, authorized by the European Commission, with the aim of JRC technology transfer in the field of precision impact testing to industrial and academic laboratories. He was responsible of the creation and activation of material impact testing laboratories at: Arcelor (France), University of Trondheim (Norway), Impact Engineering Laboratory (Japan), Tianjin University (China), SUPSI (Switzerland), FIAT (Italy). His scientific activity is illustrated in more than hundred papers published in scientific Journals and in the proceedings of specialized international conferences. 17 European and worldwide patents had Albertini as co-inventor mainly showing his innovation capability in this field.

Ron Armstrong

Winner of the DYMAT 2015 John Rinehart Award

Ron Armstrong

Ron Armstrong is emeritus professor, University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Center for Energetic Concepts Development; see www.cecd.umd.edu. He was educated at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, 1952-5, and Carnegie Institute of Technology, CarnegieMellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, 1955-8. Previous employment was at Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Monroeville, PA, and Brown University, Providence, RI. Numerous visiting research positions have been with industrial and government laboratories in the United States and overseas. Principal research activities with students and colleagues have included: (1) studies of polycrystalline material strength properties, most notably with N.J. Petch, Leeds University and University of Strathclyde, UK; (2) microstructural aspects of fracture mechanics properties, with G.R. Irwin, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and University of Maryland; (3) crystal perfection and initiation of detonation in energetic materials, with W.L. Elban, U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center and Loyola University Maryland; and (4) development of constitutive relations for material dynamics calculations, with F.J. Zerilli, U.S. Naval Weapons Center, White Oak Laboratory and Indian Head Division, MD.