DYMAT 1991

DYMAT 1991
3rd International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading
J. Phys.  IV France  – Vol. 01 - C3
Strasbourg, France - October 14-18, 1991

The DYMAT conference will gather for the 3rd time, specialists in various fields of the behaviour of materials under dynamic loading: high strain rate or shock deformation and fracture. Scientists or engineers, academics or manufacturers, specialists in metals, ceramics or other materials, experimenters, theoreticians… will have the opportunity to share the results of their work, to compare their point of view, to create fruitfull synergies in launching interdisciplinary cooperations on studies and characterization as well as on applications.

The complementary nature of approaches is essential in the field of dynamic behaviour of materials and the development of the works has gone that way for 25 years. The definition and the interpretation of a test, the well advised use of its results, require to collect good knowledges on the material, on the physical events which can occur during the test, on the measurements and the testing means, on modelling and computation… All the necessary skills hardly exist inside a single team. It’s the reason why the national and international conferences of DYMAT are outstanding opportunities for connecting scientists in multidisciplinary works and creating bonds.

Growth in the number of proposed papers from one conference to the next and by more and more labs demonstrates that this event comes up to the expectations and needs of scientific community.

The dynamism of the DYMAT association, in charge of the management of the conference, has to be emphasized. More and more people and organisms in France, in Europe and all over the world trust it. As great international changes are occurring, leading to an increasing internationalization of the problems and their solutions, we hope that the DYMAT managers’ will of extending the activities of the association in a European frame will come off in Strasbourg.

Strasbourg, a capital city of Europe, has not been selected only for its charms and its facilities but also for symbolically marking this European will of DYMAT.

We only have to wish that DYMAT 91 keeps its promises and that every participant find the highest benefit for the present as well as for the future.